Thursday 2 December 2010

How I Developed a Creative Curriculum For My Kindergarten Class

I have only been a public kindergarten school teacher for two years when I noticed that my class in my second year of teaching did not have the same enthusiasm and motivation to learn as my previous class. I also became disturbed that after the first year of my teaching experience as a kindergarten class teacher, I was beginning to lose some of the enthusiasm and motivation that I had when I was a new teacher.

I did some thinking and carefully reviewed my teaching methodologies, the curriculum, lesson plans and worksheets I was using for my class, and the other teaching and educational materials I was using. Then, I remembered that I was a creative and innovative university student when I was taking up my education degree and that I came up with different teaching or learning methods in my projects and assignments when I was in college. So I decided that I should use the traits of creativity and innovative that I had during college and use them in my kindergarten class.

I talked to the school administrator and got her permission to create a new and creative curriculum for the classes I handled. So I research materials from various educational resources and I started planning and developing my creative curriculum.

I learned that using a theme is one approach for developing a creative curriculum. For example, using nature and the outdoors as themes for a curriculum would be create enthusiasm and interest for students about their natural surroundings and the outdoors. I could incorporate the subjects of arts, music, reading and writing, science, and physical education and how they would be related to the many things they observe, feel and touch in nature and the outdoors.


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